Partnerzy Projektu

Future In Perspective Limited is a private company working in the field of vocational training, adult education, youth development, e-learning, digital media and social ...

The Center for Training and Research INNEO is an association based in Rzeszów (Poland). It was founded in 2011 to provide training for young people, mostly as a part of ...

Innoventum Oy, founded in 2001, has strong experience in developing easy-to-use web-based applications for purposes ranging from e-learning to online shopping and live ...

Kaunas STP
Kaunas Science and Technology Park (Kaunas STP) helps start-ups and already growing tech companies to increase transnational competitiveness, consults companies on ...

Pandokrator Ltd. to małe prywatne przedsiębiorstwo z siedzibą w Budapeszcie, skupiające swoją działalność na wielu dziedzinach, takich jak: kultura i produkcja ...

REINTEGRA is a not-for-profit organization, established in 1999 in the town Krnov, in the Czech Republic. It has become a regional market leader in all forms of training ...

Established in 1996, the Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative (SFEDI) makes a difference through enterprise learning and skills development. It works to support ...

Szwajcarska Federacja Kształcenia Dorosłych (SVEB) jest organizacją patronacką kształcenia dorosłych i kształcenia ogólnego w Szwajcarii. Jej 700 członków to ...

UPIT is a state university (public university). It has the aim to be a dynamic and efficient HE provider in the region, being a recipient for over 10.000 students from ...