Partenerii proiectului

UPIT is a state university (public university). It has the aim to be a dynamic and efficient HE provider in the region, being a recipient for over 10.000 students from the Muntenia region. It has approximately 500 teaching and administrative staff. It gathers 11 different faculties that offer Bachelor, Master and Doctor Diplomas. Its objectives are to provide high quality educational, training and research services in order to train specialists in different fields and to create an intellectual community accredited by national and international quality agencies. The main activities of UPIT consist of: - delivering courses, seminaries, laboratories to students and other categories of professionals; - providing professional re-conversion courses, through continuing training and OERs; - performing research in the spirit of innovation and creativity to reinforce the Romanian society; - resolving issues of regional, national and international interest through its centres of excellence and research groups; - performing exchanges of students, teaching staffs and researchers with foreign universities and institutes; - organizing seminars, round tables, workshops, conferences at national and international level; - publishing books, scientific journals and reviews.
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